Researchers at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute
By Lalitha Asirvadam, DROPPS Program Coordinator
The New Year brings new talent to the Dispersion Research
on Oil: Physics and Plankton Studies (DROPPS) consortia! Since last fall,
DROPPS has added three new post-doctoral researchers and one PhD student to the
team at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute (UTMSI). Maud Moison, Tatiana
Severin, Charles Tang and Sarah Cosgrove are working with Dr. Ed Buskey and Dr.
Deana Erdner on research involving various zooplankton and phytoplankton-bacteria
interactions in relation to oil exposure. They each bring a wealth of diverse
knowledge to our consortia. Read about their past experiences, research
interests and what inspired them to work with DROPPS at UTMSI.
Maud Moison

My research interests have focused on marine zooplankton
behavior. I am particularly interested in small scale mechanisms that drive
individual behavior change under both anthropogenic and climatic forces. For
example, My PhD thesis provided a quantitative description of the seasonal
change of copepod swimming activity, as well as evaluated the impact of
different environmental factors on the copepod behavior.
My research also aims to analyze multiscale ecological
responses of plankton communities to external forcing. Specifically, this part
of my research involves using adequate methodologies to face the challenge of
scale-dependent processes in plankton ecosystem, and the nonlinearity and non-stationarity
of time series data.
Within the DROPPS consortium, I am going to study the
sublethal effects of low concentrations of crude oil and dispersants on marine
zooplankton. More specifically, my current research topics will try to answer
to these questions: (1) Does the exposure to PAHs decrease the behavioral
adaptations ability of zooplankton and then disturb their migration, feeding or
mating activity? (2) Does the exposure to PAHs increase the vulnerability to
other stress such UV? (3) What are the long term consequences (i.e.
consequences over generations) of a short exposure to PAHs?
Working at UTMSI with Dr. Buskey gives me the opportunity
to broaden my experience in individual animal behavior using state of the art
optical techniques, while playing an active role in understanding and protecting
the marine environment.

To reinforce my specialization in the ecology of
phytoplankton and prokaryotes, I came to UTMSI to work with Dr. Deana Erdner
and Dr. Edward Buskey. In DROPPS-II, I aim to understand the impact of oil on
the phytoplankton-bacteria interactions. After an oil spill, some phytoplankton
species turned out to be resistant, while others were not. The strong
interactions existing between bacteria and the host-phytoplankton could be at
the origin of this resistance. During my researches in DROPPS-II, I will characterize
these interactions and follow the physiological responses of some xenic and
axenic phytoplankton strains after an oil exposition.

I completed my Marine Science degree at The National
University of Ireland, Galway along the West Coast of Ireland during the period
of 2006 - 2010. It was during my final year when I became increasingly
interested in the smaller things in life i.e. plankton! My undergraduate thesis
focused on the resting ‘cyst’ stage of dinoflagellate species in an archipelago
region located north of Scotland known as the Shetland Isles.
My supervisor Dr. Robin Raine was an incredibly
enthusiastic and supportive mentor and I ended up sticking around following the
completion of my degree to work in his department as a research assistant. I
continued to develop a passion for marine microbiology studies, especially
within the area of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and I became part of an on-going
monitoring effort along the south coast of Ireland involving the saxitoxin
producing species Alexandrium minutum.
From here I gained funding for a three year PhD project where my primary
objective was to take a closer look at the life history stages of A. minutum and at how both asexual and
sexual reproductive phases can impact upon their population dynamics. A. minutum bloom initiation and
termination were modeled based on observed variations in environmental
parameters and sexual reproductive stages. Aside from the role physiological
changes played in A. minutum cell
behavior and population dynamics, an attempt was also made to determine the
level of control parasitism exerted on the functional ecology of the
population. It was after the completion of my PhD that the road to oil studies
began. Following my thesis submission, I became employed as post-doctoral
researcher as part of a European project called ‘Kill-Spill’. Involving over 30
organizations, the motive of ‘Kill-Spill’ is to develop environmentally and
economically viable bio-technological tools to combat marine oil spills. My
area of work focused on the eco-toxicology testing of bio-surfactants and
plant-derived dispersants.
During the end of this research, I applied for the
position of post-doctoral researcher with DROPPS-II and here I am! I’m
delighted to be part of the team and under the supervision of Prof. Buskey. I
have been following developments and research undertaken regarding the
Deepwater Horizon oil spill since its occurrence and feel privileged to be
contributing to on-going studies of such importance.
My research while at UTMSI is predominately aimed at
utilizing mesocosm experimentation to analyze natural alterations in planktonic
community structures following oil pollution events. As all planktonic groups
are linked through complex direct and/or indirect interactions, it is important
to focus on the long term impacts caused by oil pollution under a variety of
environmental parameters. The physiological changes and recovery abilities of
various protozoan and phytoplankton species will be assessed over time
following the introduction of oil and dispersant to the controlled systems. As
both of these groups play crucial roles in the tropic food chain, I will also
aim to determine their level of contribution in the bio-transfer of Polycyclic
Aromatic Hydrocarbons to higher tropic levels. Overall, the research intends to
gain a greater understanding of the interactions between oil droplets and key
planktonic organisms by means of mimicking the natural environment.