Every summer, the University of Texas Marine Science Institute
(UTMSI) admits Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) interns to
participate in exciting research, giving them valuable experience that will
prepare them for careers in marine science. After choosing a research topic and
mentors, they spend the summer working on their projects and give a final
presentation at the REU Symposium at the end of the summer.
Chris Payne, a marine biology major from Boston University, is one
such student. He decided to work with DROPPS because he realized the value of
studying oil spills and wanted to help be a part of the solution to this complicated
There have been many studies on how oil affects macrofauna, but
not as many studies on the impacts it has to the base of the marine food chain:
plankton. These tiny organisms are
important for many reasons. Plankton are important contributors to primary and
secondary production. Also, toxic species can cause harmful algal blooms when
they are in large numbers. They also form important links in the marine food
web, and finally, they provide organic matter to deep sea ecosystems through
marine snow.
Research Questions
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Chris Payne presents at the REUfest 2015 Summer Symposium Credit: Lalitha Asirvadam |
Chris’ research focused on these questions: What effect does oil
and dispersant have on natural plankton populations? How do changes in oil and
dispersant concentrations affect natural plankton communities? Chris worked
closely with his mentors, Dr. Brad Gemmell and Dr. Ed Buskey from DROPPS, to
try and find answers to these questions.
In preliminary experiments, Dr. Gemmell has looked at the
dinoflagellate Prorocentrum and its
ciliate grazers. He exposed them to oil and dispersants and observed changes in
populations. His results indicated that dispersants inhibit ciliate growth
which led to population increases in dinoflagellates. Chris wondered if similar
results can be seen in natural plankton populations.
His study consisted of three experiments: two using nearshore
water and one using offshore water. The water was filtered to remove large
zooplankton. Each experiment used three treatments: filtered sea water,
seawater with crude oil, and seawater with crude oil and dispersant. Both
offshore and nearshore experiments were exposed to 20 µL Lˉ̄ ¹ of crude oil,
while an additional treatment was conducted for nearshore water with 50 µL Lˉ̄
¹ concentration of oil. A 20:1 ratio of crude oil to dispersant was used in all
three experiments. For the nearshore experiments, 10 mL samples were taken
daily and Chris counted diatoms, dinoflagellates, and ciliates using
microscopy, FlowCAM, and flow cytometry. The offshore samples had to be settled
in 50 mL settling chambers and were counted using microscopy.
For the 20 µL Lˉ̄ ¹ crude oil nearshore experiment, Chris found no
significant differences among the total populations of the control, oil, and
oil plus dispersant treatments. The 50 µL Lˉ̄ ¹ nearshore experiment, however,
showed significant differences among the total populations of each treatment.
In summary, Chris observed that oil and dispersants have a
negative effect on diatoms; however, dinoflagellates appear to be resistant to
the toxicity of oil and dispersants. In addition, higher concentrations of oil
have a more significant impact on plankton populations while offshore
populations were more affected by 20 µL Lˉ̄ ¹ concentration of crude oil than
the nearshore populations. And finally,
a population of small (approximately 2 micron) organisms becomes much more
abundant in oil and oil + dispersant treatments. It may be that small
nanoplankton (such as Synechococcus)
are resistant to oil and dispersant.
Chris gave his final presentation on August 5, 2015. He said that
he learned a lot and enjoyed his time as an REU student at UTMSI. He is
currently thinking about a future in marine conservation.
Research sponsored by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative