the spring semester, the University of Texas Marine Science Institute (UTMSI)
was host to the undergraduate program “Semester by the Sea”. This program
allows undergraduates from the University of Texas at Austin (UT) to come down
to Port Aransas for a semester to take marine science courses and perform
independent research in a faculty member’s lab. As a Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) funded consortium, DROPPS
is always looking for ways to incorporate GoMRI legacy goals. One of these
goals is to inform and train future scientists and engineers. DROPPS
participation in Semester by the Sea does just that. Students are placed
into specific labs based on their research interests. As a result of this
selection process, DROPPS had three students participate in the program: Sara
Garcia, Andrew Kang, and Donald Flynn.
DROPPS Semester by
the Sea students (L to R): Andrew Kang, Sara Garcia, and Donald Flynn
is currently a junior at UT, majoring in marine science and business
foundations. She was selected to work in DROPPS consortium director Dr. Ed
Buskey’s lab and was mentored by DROPPS Research Associate Dr. Brad Gemmell.
Sara was initially interested in joining an oil spill science lab because her
family works in the oil and gas industry. She has a strong interest in how
human-caused impacts, such as oil spills, affect the environment. Her
independent research project looked at the impact that oil, dispersant, and
oil+dispersant had on the swimming behavior of barnacle nauplii. Sara found
that crude oil and oil+dispersant had a negative impact on the swimming
velocity of the nauplii, but she did not find this same effect using dispersant
alone. In addition to performing research in the lab, Sara was able to assist
with numerous DROPPS outreach activities including school visits and science
Sara Garcia participates in a DROPPS outreach event. |
When speaking about her experience with DROPPS, Sara had the following to say:
“Working in the lab this semester was both
exciting and rewarding. I really enjoyed learning different lab techniques,
software, and how to formulate and analyze data. It was a great opportunity to
be able to learn from and be supported by a knowledgeable community. Also,
being able to do outreach opportunities locally has been a fun and an interactive
opportunity to share what I'm learning.”
Andrew Kang presents
his research during the Semester by the Sea Research Symposium.
Andrew is a senior at UT. He worked in the lab of
Dr. Zhanfei Liu, a DROPPS Co-PI, and was co-mentored by DROPPS Post-doctoral
Fellow Dr. Hernando Bacosa and Research Scientist Jiqing Liu. Andrew wanted to
perform research in an oil spill lab because he thought it would be important
to contribute to a collective effort on understanding the effects of oil
spills. Andrew studied the bacterial breakdown of n-alkanes compounds in crude oil. Andrew looked at the degradation
rate in three different concentrations of oil.
The most interesting thing he found was that the bacteria were still
very effective in degrading the oil even though the oil was present at high
concentrations. Like Sara, Andrew enjoyed his lab experience immensely and had
the following to say:
“I worked with a number of
knowledgeable, amiable, and helpful scientists in the lab. These people helped
and guided me along the way so that I can understand and know what I was doing.
My mentor, Dr. Zhanfei Liu, provided me with a mindset to approach my research
so that I could enjoy and be confident in what I was doing.”
Donald Flynn gives
his presentation during the Semester by the Sea Research Symposium.
Donald is currently a junior at UT. He worked in
DROPPS Co-PI Dr. Deana Erdner’s lab and was also mentored Dr. Hernando Bacosa.
While not initially interested in working in an oil spill lab, by the end of
the semester he was glad he did. Donald is originally from New Orleans, LA, so
researching the impacts that the Deepwater Horizon spill had on the environment
hit close to home. Donald investigated the effects of two toxic hydrocarbons on
the phytoplankton species Alexandrium
tamarense. He found that the
phytoplankton was more resilient to toxins when associated with natural
bacteria assemblages. Donald also had great
things to say about his experience:
“I got to work with
very talented post docs and professors that helped me learn a wide variety of
skills in the laboratory. I got to work with various chemicals and appliances,
and develop my abilities as a researcher far more than I expected to in just
one semester. Most of all I got the thrill of seeing my hard work in the
laboratory lead to some very interesting and meaningful results."
DROPPS participation in Semester by the Sea was a
huge success. The students found interesting results and gained hands-on
experiences in the scientific method. Additionally, all three students said
that as result of their experience, they are now interested in going to
graduate school and pursuing scientific research as a career. Sara and Andrew
will be continuing their projects this summer when they come back to Port
Aransas to take summer courses. The Semester by the Sea program gave out a
national travel meeting award and a regional travel meeting award to the
students who excelled in their research and presentations. Sara was awarded the
national travel meeting award and Andrew was awarded the regional travel
meeting award. The consortium is proud of these three DROPPSters and we look
forward to seeing where their scientific futures will take them.